Imagine you have successfully established your dream business in a national or international market. Now your business will enter into multiple transactions every single day. It’s not possible to remember all these transactions, but there is a mandate to manage them, and that’s where bookkeeping comes into the picture. Bookkeeping is the process of recording day-to-day transactions that take place in a business entity after its incorporation. It is often misunderstood with the term ‘accounting’ or even touted to be same. Bookkeeping is an accounting tool that builds the foundation of accounting by building and maintaining business records whereas accounting, on the other hand, is a much broader concept and it analyzes these records.

Method and Need of Bookkeeping Services for Business

The most preferred method of bookkeeping is the double-entry method, where each transaction is recorded twice in the two corresponding accounts simultaneously. The total debit must be equal to the total of credit to maintain the financial balance of the firm.

As we have seen, bookkeeping refers to the maintenance of daily business records. Let’s see why this is essential for any business.

1.Bookkeeping eases the process of company audit

2. It is essential for future forecasting and decision-making

3.It helps to reduce any malpractices

4. It helps in preparing financial statements

5. It provides an easy understanding of inflow and outflow mediums of cash

Bookkeeping Services for Small Business

Initiating a start-up or establishing a business involves tasks on multiple levels every passing day. It becomes difficult for the entrepreneurs to keep a check on everything, but then it becomes essential to maintain them. These bookkeeping services are not confined to the size of an organization. Keeping this in mind, the tech industry has developed customized software for small enterprises to ease the process of maintaining books. To help you understand this tech-dealing, we come into the picture and ease out handling them so that you can concentrate on the growth path.

Bookkeeping Services in Nigeria

Nigeria  is on the way of transforming itself as a business hub. The Nation is focusing to be one of the world’s largest business magnets. More the businesses evolution takes place, the demand for bookkeeping and
accounting services in Nigeria shoots up. This gives rise to the number of
bookkeeping consultants in Nigeria. it is mandatory for all the business
entities need to adhere the accounting rules and regulations as per
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


Ogedengbe Blessing & CO  Bookkeeping Services

Ogedengbe Blessing & CO, one of the top bookkeeping and accounting firms in Nigeria, provides a wide range of bookkeeping service considering a holistic view of business entity types. We deal from the initial to the advanced bookkeeping services. Some of these services include:

  • Company profile setup
  • Maintenance of bills
  • Maintenance of customer invoice and payments
  • Reconciliation of bank accounts
  • Custom-designed reports
  • Quarterly budget reviews
  • Payroll and tax management

Evaluation of Bookkeeping Services at ogedengbe Blessing & Co

A business entity has a mandated rule to follow the bookkeeping and accounting service according to law. Now, at one point it becomes a necessity to evaluate these recordings based on certain parameters for any organization so as to know the level of their performance and stability.

We at Ogedengbe Blessing & CO evaluate the bookkeeping services on the basis of cost, income and expense categorization, payroll, tax service, software used to maintain the book of records, customer service provided by the business entity.

Why Outsource Your Bookkeeping with Ogedengbe Blessing & Co ?

It’s a difficult and complex process to manage a book of accounts when it comes to international business. At this point, outsourcing bookkeeping services turn out to be a relief. Whether you are initiating your startup or have an established business and want to structure or re-structure the accounts and finance domain, you can count on us. At Ogedengbe Blessing & CO, we understand your business and deliver tailor-made solutions according to your business needs. Our business experts take care of your financial front, builds specific plans to enhance your business growth. To initiate your first step, do contact us – we’d be happy to assist you.